Questionnaire Results Study

The aim of the questionnaire was to evaluate the overall satisfaction of participants during 2009 edition of TIGF, and also to provide information about strong and weak aspects of TIGF activities.

The questionnaire was developed based on literature review. Both students and teachers used the
questionnaire to evaluate a total of 8 aspects of TIGF.

A total of 64 participants applied the questionnaire to evaluate 8 TIGF aspects. At the overall level, the questionnaire gives an impression on the strong and weak aspects of all TIGF problems evaluated.

At the overall level, 89% participants are satisfied and very satisfied with TIGF.

The strongest aspects identified by both students and tutors are the promptness of answering questions (89% satisfied and very satisfied) and issue resolution (86% satisfied and very satisfied), while the helpfulness of organizers is the weakest aspect, rated somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied by 5% of participants.

85% of participants are likely and very likely to return to next edition of TIGF, while 91% of them are likely and very likely to recommend the festival to a friend or colleague.  The most common justifications of the answers in this matter were:
1. The quality and price of master classes
2. The quality of recitals
3. Pleasant atmosphere
4. Comfortable accommodation
1% of participants are somewhat unlikely to recommend the festival to a friend or colleague and to return to the next edition of TIGF. Their justification is that, although they are satisfied with the master classes, concerts and place, they are not satisfied with the communication with the organizers and with the results of the competition.

At a more specific level, the questionnaire was used to identify the highest rated guitar festivals in Romania, by evaluating the intention of attendance. The classification is:
1. Transilvania Guitar Festival (85%)
2. Sinaia Festival (65%)
3. Eduard Pamfil Festival (63%)
4. Alba Iulia Festival (63%)
5. Targu Mures Festival (50%)
6. Odorheiu Secuiesc Festival (39%)
7. Buzau Festival (34%)

Five were criteria used to determine the rating of a guitar festival. Their classification is:
1. Quality of recitals (93%)
2. Reputation of jury members and guests (89%)
3. Quality of master classes (84%)
4. Price (68%)
5. Accommodation (64%)

Applied to TIGF, the rating criteria are classified depending on the satisfied and very satisfied answers, as follow:
1. Quality of recitals (91%)
2. Reputation of jury members and guests (76%)
3. Quality of master classes (85%)
4. Price (64%)
5. Accommodation (59%)

No statistical significant difference were found when comparing the importance of the criteria with the level they were satisfied by TIGF, except for the reputation of jury members and guests: this criteria is important for 89% of participants, but only 76% of them found it satisfying at TIGF. The 13% difference suggests an improvement of this aspect.

87% of participants were satisfied and very satisfied by the Competition Regulations. The most common justifications of the answers in this matter were:
1. Clear regulations
2. Legitimate age categories
3. The competition was run fairly and openly
The suggestions for improving the Competition Regulations were:
1. A wider choice for the repertory
2. An extra age category for rectifying the discrepancies in the D category
3. An extra round for D Category for a better classification of contestants

The top suggestions for next edition recitals are:
1. Duo Melis (14.29%)
2. Gerhard Reichenbach (14.29%)
3. Gabriel Bianco (11.9%)
The suggestions also included: David Russell, Marcin Dylla, Carlo Marchione, Giampaolo Bandini and Judicael Perroy. Due to the wide range of guitarists, there are no statistical significant preferences, suggesting, as a follow up, a questionnaire at a more specific level, including specific options for the preferred guitarists for the next edition of TIGF.

The most relevant suggestions for improving next editions of TIGF were:
- Providing more free time for both students and guests
- Organizing group master classes for more experienced students, with a preselection
- Recording the master classes for future didactic purposes
- Less video camera at the recitals and more translators for foreign participants
- A higher motivation for teachers to participate with their students in the competition
- A more festive ambiance in the competition halls.

At the overall level it can be concluded that participants were satisfied and very satisfied with 2009 TIGF. Overall, no aspects were rated as insufficient. The strongest aspect identified by participants is the master class section of TIGF, while the aspect that needs improvements being the competition section.
The questionnaire provided valuable feedback for improving next editions of TIGF.

Questionnaire results